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This campaign is all about one simple action and how it could make a real difference to your life-style.
Take on the challenge of leaving your car at home for one day a week and see how you can improve your life and the world around you!

How can you get involved? It’s easy as 1-2-3!

click the "pledge" button below, follow these three steps and enjoy your journey



Click the PLEDGE button below

or go to the pledge section

in the menu



PICK your day of the week

and a car sticker will be

sent to you by post


Display your sticker,

PRACTICE your promise and

ditch your ride for the next four weeks!


All Hands In

Join the pledge!

DItch My Ride sticker.jpg
Our stickers are non-adhesive, reusable and free!
Follow our tips to help place your sticker:
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Peel the sticker off from the backing.


Add a tiny amount of water to the printed side of the sticker.


Place the printed side on the inside of your vehicle window and press firmly to secure.

Your pledge badge is now in place and as non-adhesive sticker it can easily be removed and replaced again and again. 

If that’s not simple enough,
here’s 5 reasons why you should pledge!

Woman at a Cafe
By not using your car for one day each week for a month you’re saving £20 worth of fuel, the equivalent of 6 cups of coffee - go on, treat yourself!
Meet the team

Meet the team

Working With the Best Clients and Partners

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